
The astrological branch of Vedic studies, or jyotish, is classically known as the study of light. This ancient science has been used for at least 5000 years as a predictive tool to reveal karmic impressions, personal predispositions or inclinations, and ultimately to guide along a divine path. 

Using the natal chart, which projects the unique position of the planetary bodies, nodes, signs, and stars at the time of birth, one can consult Vedic astrology as a means to find deeper understanding about essentially any aspect of life.

The chart can be consulted for clarification about tendencies, attractions, and passions, or for inquiry about specific past, present, or future events.

Your unique birth chart holds the lessons and healing you've come to experience here and now and the possibilities for how it can offer counsel are endless!  

Do you have questions about your life path, relationships, career, or purpose but don't know how or whom to ask?

Do you desire clarity, guidance, or validation on decisions about your life?

Would you like tools that transcend the physical realms of health and relating that are individualized to you?

Do you have curiosities about karmas (impressions, patterns) you may carry that you hope to resolve?

Jyotish, or Vedic astrology, offers the opportunity to personally explore these questions through discovery of the map provided through the precious wisdom in the moment and location of your birth.

At the instant that you were born a completely unique chart, also understood as a blueprint describing your personality, purpose, and possible trajectory of your life, was created so that you may be given the chance to learn to:

  • overcome negative patterns

  • come into deeper understanding in relationship with yourself and others

  • gather tools and techniques for how to live in accordance with your authentic nature and in relationships

  • prevent, or work with, illnesses and your inherent physical wellness

  • address essentially any question or issue that arises in this life...


General Reading

1 hour... $130

30 minutes… $80

Explore life path, health, career, family, dharma, karmic impressions, and essentially any area of life by consulting your birth chart. This consultation can focus on any aspect of living and individuality that you feel the need for clarity within, or just want to dive deeper into.


1 hour... $130

30 minutes... $80

Share you and your partner’s birth information and get a full report of the classic Kuta score, used in India for hundreds of years to successfully find ideal marriage matches, along with many tools for overcoming challenges within the relationship AND embody natural places of strength in your union.

Divine Timing

30 minutes... $80

Consult your birth chart in conjunction with current and upcoming transits to find the most auspicious date/time to begin new projects, initiate a marriage, offer your baby their first solid food, or any other event!


15 minutes... $50

In this reading, a special chart is created to gain clarity around one specific burning question. This is a powerful technique for moments when a decision is waiting to be made.

Locational (Astro-cartography)

30 minutes… $80

Discover which place(s) on Earth are most supportive of your and/or your families’ individual karmas & intentions to make money, find love, deepen spirituality, etc.

Reading Gift Certificate

1 hour... $130

30 minutes… $80

15 minutes… $50

Readings make a wonderful gift! The recipient can even schedule their own reading and decide the focus of the session.

What kinds of things can I explore and inquire about during a reading?

Examples of common areas of exploration include relationships, compatibility, work/career, phases of life, spiritual healing or deepening, life path, karma, health etc.

What if Vedic sciences are unfamiliar to me or are not a part of my belief system? 

While Vedic astrology is founded in exploration of individual karma (the energetic experiences which inform current and consecutive physical incarnations of a unique soul), the findings in one’s natal chart can be integrated into essentially any philosophy, spiritual practice, or religious belief. 

How is Vedic Astrology different than other astrological approaches?

Vedic astrology has an entire complex system of calculation techniques that are completely unique to it, which give it a depth that is profoundly revealing of human nature and karmic impressions. The detail through which the tools of Vedic astrology perceive aspects of an individual’s life and soul nature makes it more of a spiritual science than an intuitive practice, which offers a useful element in accuracy of interpretations.

One example of an important, and ancient, Vedic basis for helping an individual to find deeper understanding through the unique configuration of their natal chart is the Nakshatras. These are a completely separate set of 27 stars and constellations through which the energies of the planets and luminaries move and give incredible individuality to personality traits, life path, and unfolding of karmas.

How can Vedic astrology give me insight into my health and wellbeing?

In Āyurveda (ancient Indian medicine), practitioners consult the timeless wisdom of Vedic astrology for hints into an individual’s current physical standing and health, along with the tendencies the person may have toward certain dis-ease or disorder within the body. These findings allow for information about preventative treatments and recommendations that may be administered, as well as remedial actions that can be taken to bring the individual back to their innate path of harmonious physical, emotional, and spiritual health.

The message boldly blazoned across the heavens at the moment of birth is not meant to emphasize fate – the result of past good and evil – but to arouse man’s will to escape from his universal thraldom.”